Originally posted by Ryan Doughty
So I have ADHD, as a result, I have very few memories of my childhood (or adulthood to be honest!). When the Metmo Driver popped up in my online timeline I had such a strong memory of playing with a red handled screwdriver as a child that was very much like it. I could not remember when or where just that every time I saw it I just had to play with it. So I backed the project.
The driver arrived and it was just like being back sitting in the corner of a garage playing with the red handled screwdriver again :)
I took the Driver round to my parents to show him, I explained the memory it had brought up and he turned and said 'That sounds like the screwdriver I made as an apprentice' and which point he wandered off to his garage and 10 minutes later appeared with a oil rag wrapped around the old red handled screwdriver. Completely hand made by him 60 years ago.
After some reminiscing about his apprenticeship, he got me to order him a Driver too, which he now has and very pleased with it.
So I present 60 years apart the Old and the New:

Originally posted by Russ What a great story, and I love the hex keys which have been brazed into the steel holders.
That's a great story thank you for sharing! And what an amazing screwdriver! We're happy our Driver could bring up some happy memories for you 😄.