Our pre-production samples have arrived at MetMo HQ! 😍 They're looking pretty good and there's only a few small things to iron out. We're in a better position than when our Original MetMo Driver Samples arrived, which we're super happy about, and more or less fully on schedule!
Oh.. and check out this cool added feature 👀

Your Pocket Driver will now be identifiable as a MetMo Original and authentic and item! 👏
We thought it was time to put our official stamp on things, and also get rid of those MetMo catfishes 👊.
Could the etching be made optional, simplified or moved to the inside of the handle? I prefer the retro look without loud branding. I especially don't think it fits the vibe of the stainless one where it looks like something that could have plausibly been made decades ago. Maybe an actual stamp would achieve the goal without looking so digital?