Some of you may be wondering why we released the Pocket Driver after our original MetMo Driver, and why not the other way round. Some of you may feel the Pocket Driver is more like the tool for you, while others can't wait to have both! Well here's what was going on behind the scenes at MetMo HQ...
We only started development of Pocket Driver around November 2022, and we were not 100% sure if this would make it onto Kickstarter, as we tend to develop a couple of products at the same time. Normally only one makes it to to the stages where we would be happy to release it. So that’s why we tend not to talk too much about things we are working on in case we don’t end up releasing them 🤫.
They are still slightly different, one way being that the original Driver allows for more torque and let's you tackle bigger jobs! 💪
Originally posted by Russ
I've pondered this for a while and considered all of the uses I've put my driver through. I think the ideal driver for me would have been a smaller version of the current driver. I personally prefer the design of it over the pocket driver. The pocket driver is still a great design though, but just not for me.
Originally posted by William Adams
From a marketing/volume standpoint you made the right choice --- I'm sure a lot of folks would have bought only the Pocket Driver if it had been available first, where folks are more inclined to buy a Pocket Driver as a second unit when already having the full-sized one.