Peg, Thanks!I've got two more joinery concepts which I need to work out how to make --- one is an expedient simplification --- I'll be using it for a re-creation of T. Jefferson's writing box:
but it's really hard to work up a file to cut it efficiently --- the math gets into conic sections and when I tried to solve it using trigonometry I got 7 layers deep on triangle calculations and performance bogged down really badly --- I think I've put together a software toolchain which will let me get it done, we'll see.
William, this is really fascinating stuff, it's great to see how you're working through the problems. Unfortunately, we don't design our products this way, so can't offer much advice but please do keep us updated! 🙌 And hopefully someone else will jump in and share their thoughts on this too!
Originally posted by William Adams
Working on a book:
which looks into various concepts for wood joinery: